Nevin Cansel EfendiogluCross-Account Backup on AWS with TerraformBackup is essential when we have critical systems. We never forget to enable backup option to protect our data.Dec 11, 20223Dec 11, 20223
InSpaceliftbySpaceliftShould you manage your IaC with GitHub Actions?In previous articles, we discussed why generic CI/CD tools are not the best choice for managing infrastructure as code or Terraform. These…Nov 2, 20231Nov 2, 20231
Bijit GhoshTerraform Success Blueprint: Best Practices to Maximize Your Workflow EfficiencyIntroduction:Jul 16, 2023Jul 16, 2023
HectorTerraform AWS Provider — Everything you need to know about Multi-Account Authentication and…There are multiple options available to configure the authentication between Terraform and AWS. But the two entry points are IAM users and…Oct 14, 20231Oct 14, 20231
InAWS TipbyHectorPatterns for Terraform Multi-Account DeploymentsThere are different ways that we can organize our terraform code to make it work for multi-account deployments, we can choose any pattern…Dec 5, 20221Dec 5, 20221
InAWS TipbyHectorTerraform — The Awesome Value Type “any” and LoopsI recently started implementing (for_each) loops on my projects, this really simplifies the creation of multiple related resources, so in…Dec 13, 20222Dec 13, 20222
HectorMigrating IaC Terragrunt to Terraform workspacesIn one of my projects I was tasked to migrating the IaC from Terragrunt to Terraform workspaces in order to align with the Organisation…Aug 30, 20232Aug 30, 20232
HectorAWS Terraform Provider Resources vs Registry Modules to Provision Infra to AWSThere are two main ways for provisioning Infrastructure Resources to AWS, so… Which one should I use?Oct 5, 20231Oct 5, 20231
InLevel Up CodingbyMert AlnuaimiStreamline Cross-Account Log Aggregation with OpenSearch and Cognito using TerraformCentralize AWS logs with OpenSearch & Cognito using Terraform. Unify, secure, and simplify log analysis across multiple accounts.Apr 23, 20232Apr 23, 20232
Thiago AlvesA reason to stop using the Terraform null_resourceThe null_resource it the 3rd most-downloaded Terraform provider in the registry, but its time has come to an end with the latest TF…Mar 9, 20232Mar 9, 20232
InThe StartupbyTyler DeKnechtTerraform Imports: Resources, Modules, for_each, and CountIf you are developing Terraform you will at some point work with Terraform imports.Sep 26, 20204Sep 26, 20204